Photophobia is a condition of the eye that feels pain or discomfort when seeing bright light. This condition is quite common, and usually complaints will arise when seeing sunlight or very bright lights. Actually photophobia is not a disease, but rather a symptom of certain diseases, such as infection or irritation to the eye. Photophobia will be marked by a sense of glare, more sensitive to light, and the eyes are sometimes sore when seeing light. This complaint can be accompanied by pain in the forehead and reflexes close the eyes when seeing light. Photophobia can occur in one or both eyes. Recognize the Causes of Photophobia Photophobia often occurs in someone who has eye and nervous system disorders. This is because the emergence of photophobia is closely related to nerve cells that receive light stimulation in the eye, and the central nervous system as the information processor. Some eye disorders that can cause photophobia are: Dry eye. Uveitis, which is inflammation of...