Kidney transplant or kidney transplant is a medical step that is used to treat kidney conditions that are not functioning properly or commonly called kidney failure. Through this method, the doctor will perform surgery to replace a damaged kidney with a healthy kidney from the donor. Kidney is a vital organ in the body that functions to filter waste substances from the blood and then excrete them through urine. However, a kidney that has been damaged cannot do that process. As a result, waste substances can accumulate in the body. If left unchecked, this condition is potentially life threatening. Actually, waste substances can be removed by dialysis, but this method can be very inconvenient and time-consuming. Therefore, kidney transplantation is often considered the best treatment for kidney failure. Understanding Kidney Transplants So, how to get the kidney? One way is from living donors. The donor can be from family, friends, or anyone who wants to give his kidney and is read...